Hello from our forensic teams! On this page you'll learn more about our alcohol and other drug treatment programs for people involved with the justice system.
Fast facts
- About the programs: Individual and group AOD treatment
- Eligibility: People involved with the justice system
- Referrals: Via ACSO brokerage only
- Cost: Free
Who do forensic programs support?
Forensic clients are people who access alcohol and other drug treatment as a result of their contact with the criminal justice system. Most of these clients are mandated to attend treatment as a condition of their order or diversion. Acknowledging that there is often a link between a client’s alcohol and other drug misuse and other criminal offending behaviour, through AOD treatment forensic programs aim to improve health and wellbeing outcomes while preventing further offending and involvement with the criminal justice system.
Choices is a three-hour group program for people involved with Community Correctional Services. It provides an opportunity to learn how substance misuse is related to offending behaviour, encouraging participants to explore how behaviour change can help to break the cycle of offending and avoid further involvement with the justice system.
Choices is available via ACSO brokerage for clients assessed as low-risk.
The program runs online via Zoom and is accessible to eligible clients across the state.
KickStart is a group program specifically for men involved in the justice system. The program aims to increase awareness of the relationship between substance misuse and offending behaviour. It assists participants to:
- Develop skills and build motivation to improve self-efficacy
- Prepare actionable self-management plans
- Reduce criminal thinking
- Improve emotional regulation
- Create meaningful behavioural change
We offer a 8-week (24 hour) and more intensive 15-week (42 hour) program.
KickStart is available via ACSO brokerage for clients assessed as medium-high risk of reoffending.

Individual counselling and care and recovery coordination (CRC)
Windana’s counselling and CRC services are also available via ACSO brokerage for forensic clients.
Eligibility and referral
All forensic services are available via ACSO brokerage only. To find out more, contact us at or on 9529 7955
Forensic programs
Hello from our forensic teams! On this page you'll learn more about our alcohol and other drug treatment programs for people involved with the justice system.
Fast facts
- About the programs: Individual and group AOD treatment
- Eligibility: People involved with the justice system
- Referrals: Via ACSO brokerage only
- Cost: Free
Who do forensic programs support?.
Forensic clients are people who access alcohol and other drug treatment as a result of their contact with the criminal justice system. Most of these clients are mandated to attend treatment as a condition of their order or diversion. Acknowledging that there is often a link between a client’s alcohol and other drug misuse and other criminal offending behaviour, through AOD treatment forensic programs aim to improve health and wellbeing outcomes while preventing further offending and involvement with the criminal justice system.
Choices is a three-hour group program for people involved with Community Correctional Services. It provides an opportunity to learn how substance misuse is related to offending behaviour, encouraging participants to explore how behaviour change can help to break the cycle of offending and avoid further involvement with the justice system.
Choices is available via ACSO brokerage for clients assessed as low-risk.
The program runs online via Zoom and is accessible to eligible clients across the state.
KickStart is a group program specifically for men involved in the justice system. The program aims to increase awareness of the relationship between substance misuse and offending behaviour. It assists participants to:
- Develop skills and build motivation to improve self-efficacy
- Prepare actionable self-management plans
- Reduce criminal thinking
- Improve emotional regulation
- Create meaningful behavioural change
We offer a 8-week (24 hour) and more intensive 15-week (42 hour) program.
KickStart is available via ACSO brokerage for clients assessed as medium-high risk of reoffending.
Individual counselling and care and recovery coordination (CRC).
Windana’s counselling and CRC services are also available via ACSO brokerage for forensic clients.
Eligibility and referral.
All forensic services are available via ACSO brokerage only. To find out more, contact us at or on 9529 7955
More information.
Hello from our forensic teams! On this page you’ll learn more about our alcohol and other drug treatment programs for people involved with the justice system.
Fast facts
- ABOUT THE PROGRAMS: Individual and group AOD treatment
- ELIGIBILITY: People involved with the justice system
- REFERRALS: Via ACSO brokerage only
- COST: Free
Who do forensic programs support?
Forensic clients are people who access alcohol and other drug treatment as a result of their contact with the criminal justice system. Most of these clients are mandated to attend treatment as a condition of their order or diversion. Acknowledging that there is often a link between a client’s alcohol and other drug misuse and other criminal offending behaviour, through AOD treatment forensic programs aim to improve health and wellbeing outcomes while preventing further offending and involvement with the criminal justice system.
What forensic programs do Windana offer?
Choices is a three-hour group program for people involved with Community Correctional Services. It provides an opportunity to reflect on how substance misuse is related to offending behaviour, encouraging participants to exlpore how behaviour change can help avoid future offences and lead to better outcomes. Choices is available via ACSO brokerage for clients assessed as low-risk.
KickStart is an X week group specifically for men involved in the justice system. The program aims to increase awareness of the relationship between substance misuse and offending behaviour. It assists participants to:
- Develop skills and build motivation to improve self-efficacy
- Prepare actionable self-management plans
- Reduce criminal thinking
- Improve emotional regulation
- Create meaningful behavioural change
KickStart is available via ACSO brokerage for clients assessed as medium-high risk of reoffending.
Individual counselling and care and recovery coordination (CRC)
Windana’s counselling and CRC services are also available via ACSO brokerage for forensic clients.
Eligibility and referral
All forensic services are available via ACSO brokerage only. To find out more, contact us at or on 9529 7955